You spend so much time serving others, let us serve you this weekend! Come away to a quiet place and rest a while. 

Be refreshed. Be encouraged.
Join us for a sweet time of fellowship and encouragement. Optional events include round-table discussions, board games, easy crafts and a shopping excursion.

What to Bring

twin size bedding, towel, toiletries, 

Bible & notebook, comfy clothes, 

a new or gently used (wrapped) book

for the book swap, spending money 

for the Common Grounds 

Coffee shop and an optional 

shopping excursion with us 

on your way home.

Price: $100

Price includes 


meals & snacks, 

time to relax, 

fellowship with friends, 

an easy craft, games and 

devotional times. 

Mark your calendar and make your plans!

Check-in begins at 3 pm Monday

Retreat ends at 10 am Wednesday  


optional time of shopping and lunch out together on your way home.